Vous trouverez sur cette page les informations de la presse et des sites internet sur la nouvelle campagne de fouilles des Pyramides du plateau de Gizeh.

Nouvelle tentative high tech pour percer le mystère des pyramides





1°Le Point:À la recherche de chambres secrètes dans les 4 grandes pyramides égyptiennes


VIDÉO. Une équipe franco-égyptienne commence la campagne d'auscultation virtuelle la plus sophistiquée de tous les temps. 


2°Site officiel Arab Republic of Egypt Ministry of Antiquities


Ce site recapitule les articles de presse , les videos et eventuelles découvertes realisées durant la campagne en cours.


Ce n’est pas parce qu’un mystère est vieux de 4500 ans qu’il ne faut pas tenter de le résoudre ! » Telle pourrait être la devise de l’exceptionnelle mission scientifique lancée ce 25 octobre 2015, sous l’égide du ministère égyptien des Antiquités nationales, initiée, conçue et coordonnée par la Faculté des Ingénieurs de l’Université du Caire et l’Institut français HIP (Heritage, Innovation, Preservation). Radiographie par muons – des particules cosmiques – thermographie infrarouge, photogrammétrie, scanner et reconstruction 3D : les technologies les plus innovantes vont être utilisées par des chercheurs de réputation internationale et trois grandes universités, celles du Caire, de Québec et de Nagoya au Japon, pour sonder, sans y percer le moindre orifice, le coeur des plus grandes pyramides d’Egypte.



3° Le Monde


Des drones pour percer les secrets des pyramides d’Egypte 


4°Revue Sciences et Avenir


Avec l'infrarouge et des muons, Scan Pyramids va sonder le coeur des pyramides



5°Le Parisien


Les pyramides d'Egypte au scanner





 1°Une chambre secrète découverte dans la pyramide de Khéops?

 Rédaction Le HuffPost avec AFP



2°Revue Science et vie

Incroyable anomalie de température sur la pyramide de Kheops


3° L'OBS Sciences

Y a-t-il un passage caché dans la Grande Pyramide ?



4°La Depêche


 Scanner les pyramides d'Egypte pour découvrir leurs derniers secrets






Analysis Begins on Cosmic Particles in the Egyptian Bent Pyramid – Will This Help Explain How the Pyramids Were Built?


Researchers have begun analyzing cosmic particles, called muons, which were collected within the Egyptian Bent Pyramid. The international team of scientists hopes that their ambitious project will help unravel the mystery of how the pyramids were constructed. Currently there is not concrete explanation for the construction of the pyramids – as Hany Helal, the Heritage Innovation Preservation institute’s vice president says, “For the construction of the pyramids, there is no single theory that is 100% proven or checked; They are all theories and hypotheses.”

The muon radiography analysis is the latest work of the Scan Pyramids Mission , which was launched in October 2015. The mission is a collaboration of the Egyptian Ministry of Antiquities, the Faculty of Engineering of Cairo and the French HIP Institute (Heritage, Innovation and Preservation), with aid from researchers of the Université Laval of Quebec and Nagoya University of Japan.

The website of the mission states that their goal is to “probe the heart of the largest pyramids of Egypt, without drilling the slightest opening.” To do so, the researchers are using a variety of cutting edge technology on four ancient pyramids: The Bent and the Red pyramids in Dahshur, followed by Khufu’s Pyramid (also known as the Great pyramid and Cheops), and Khafre’s Pyramid in Giza.

Map of the four pyramids being studied by the Scan Pyramids Mission. ( Scan Pyramids Mission )

The investigations have begun with two infrared thermography missions to establish a thermal map of the pyramids. The purpose of these studies is to reveal differences in density and check for any voids behind the faces of the pyramids. (One of these is a year-long project).

The first results of the thermographic scans are already providing some interesting details. Matthieu Klein of Canada’s Laval University told a news conference that “There is a clear separation of temperature on the west face of Red pyramid. The bottom is colder than the top. It’s interesting. We have no answers yet ... Could it be because of the wind? Maybe, but it’s interesting” he said, adding that the difference in temperature was of three to six degrees Celsius.

Klein also said that the scans have shown two anomalies located on the northern flank of Khufu’s Pyramid, where experts have found similar “ points of interest ” on the monument’s eastern face in the past. Colder spots on the map could also indicate a draft from beneath the face – and may even lead to hidden chambers, reports Tech Times .

A thermal anomaly detected on the eastern side of the Great Pyramid, also known as Khufu or Cheops, at the ground level. Credit: Philippe Bourseiller / HIP Institute, Faculty of Engineering, Cairo / Ministry of Antiquities.

The Scan Pyramids Mission also contains two missions using muons radiography. They explain on their website that these studies will be used to “verify and accurately visualize the presence of unknown structures within the monuments.” This is part of the current research at the Bent Pyramid.

Mehdi Tayoubi, president of the Heritage Innovation Preservation Institute said that:

Visual explanation of muons detection. ( Scan Pyramids Mission )

The researchers will analyze the particle accumulations in an attempt to learn more about the construction of the Bent Pyramid, which was ordered to be built by the Pharaoh Snefru around 2,600 BC. The Bent Pyramid is located 25 miles (40 kilometers) south of Cairo, and it may potentially be hiding two chambers . It is also “believed to have been ancient Egypt’s first attempt to build a smooth-sided pyramid.” [Via The Guardian ]

Finally, the Scan Pyramids Mission includes a photogrammetry campaign using drones. The images taken will be used to “rebuild the Giza plateau and the site of Dahshur with all their monuments in 3D, with a unique centimeter precision,” according to the Scan Pyramids Mission site. They also write that “These models will be made available to researchers and the public in open data by the HIP Institute.


15 janvier 2016

Sciences et avenir

Incroyable anomalie de température sur la pyramide de Kheops



17 janvier 2016

Sciences et avenir

EGYPTE. Les curieuses anomalies de la "pyramide rouge" de Dahchour



17 janvier 2016










21.02.2016 00:33


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